This Tcl command exports debug data for the SmartDebug application and creates *.ddc that contains data based on selected options. The command corresponds to the Export SmartDebug Data tool in Libero. This file is used by SmartDebug (standalone application) to create a new SmartDebug project, or it can be imported into a device in SmartDebug (standalone application).
If you do not specify any design components, all components available in the design will be included by default except the bitstream components.
The generate_bitstream parameter is required if you want to generate bitstream file and include it in the exported file.
You must specify the bitstream components you want to include in the generated bitstream file or all available components will be included.
If you choose to include bitstream, and the design has custom security, the custom security bitstream component must be included.
export_smart_debug_data [-file_name "file_name"] \ [-export_dir "export_dir"] \ [-probes "TRUE | FALSE"] \ [-package_pins "TRUE | FALSE"] \ [-memory_blocks "TRUE | FALSE"] \ [-envm_data "TRUE | FALSE"] \ [-security_data "TRUE | FALSE"] \ [-display_security_in_smartdebug "TRUE | FALSE"]\ [-chain "TRUE | FALSE"] \ [-programmer_settings "TRUE | FALSE"] \ [-ios_states "TRUE | FALSE"] \ [-generate_bitstream "TRUE | FALSE"] \ [-bitstream_format "PPD | STP"] \ [-bitstream_security "TRUE | FALSE"] \ [-bitstream_fabric "TRUE | FALSE"] \ [-bitstream_envm "TRUE | FALSE"] \ [-bitstream_snvm "TRUE | FALSE"] \ [-snvm_data "TRUE | FALSE"] \ [-sanitize_snvm "TRUE | FALSE" ] \ [-sanitize_envm "TRUE | FALSE" ] \ [-master_include_plaintext_passkey "TRUE|FALSE"]\ [-uprom_data "TRUE | FALSE"]
Parameter | Type | Description |
file_name | string | Name of exported file with extension “ddc”. |
export_dir | string | Location where DDC file will be exported. If omitted, design export folder will be used. |
probes | boolean | Specified probes related data to be included in the DDC file, data used for Active/Live |
package_pins | boolean | Specifes probe insertion related data to be included in the DDC file. |
memory_blocks | boolean | Specifes memory blocks such as LSRAM & USRAM related data to be included in DDC file. |
security_data | boolean | Specifies security keys related data. |
display_security_in_smartdebug | boolean | If security_data is set to 1, then this option is included to hide/show passkeys on SmartDebug main window. option provided in 12.4 release. |
chain | boolean | This option is set if user wants to connect the devices in chain. |
programmer_settings | boolean | Programmer related settings from Libero to be included in DDC file. |
io_states | boolean | I/O states information preserved during programming to be included in DDC file. |
snvm_data | boolean | If snvm debug related information needs to be included in the DDC file. Applicable to PF, PF SOC and RTPF devices only. |
envm_data | boolean | if envm debug related information needs to be included in DDC file. Applicable to PF SOC device only. Option provided from 12.5 release onwards. |
generate_bitstream | boolean | Bitstream content to be included in the DDC file. |
bitstream_format | string | Bitstream generated format option. The valid values are: PPD, STAPL. |
bitstream_security | boolean | Bbitstream security pass keys information needed in bitstream to be included along with bitstream. |
master_include_plaintext_passkey | boolean | This option indicated whether plaintext passkey needs to be included for REPROGRAM/ERASE action in SASD. |
bitstream_fabric | boolean | Bitstream fabric component included in bitstream. |
bitstream_snvm | boolean | If snvm component needs to be included in the bitstream. Applicable to PF, PFSOC, RTPF family only. |
bitstream_envm | boolean | If envm component needs to be included in the bitstream. Applicable to SF2, PFSOC family only. |
sanitize_snvm | boolean | If snvm has to be sanitized during ERASE action. Applicable to PF, PFSOC only, providede in 2021.2 release. |
sanitize_envm | boolean | If envm has to be sanitized during ERASE action. Applicable to PFSOC only, provided in 2021.2 release. |
Return Type | Description |
None | None |
Error Codes
Error Code | Description |
None | probes: Invalid argument value: 'value' (expecting TRUE, 1, true, FALSE, 0 or false). |
None | package_pins: Invalid argument value: 'value' (expecting TRUE, 1, true, FALSE, 0 or false). |
None | memory_blocks: Invalid argument value: 'value' (expecting TRUE, 1, true, FALSE, 0 or false). |
None | security_data: Invalid argument value: 'value' (expecting TRUE, 1, true, FALSE, 0 or false). |
None | chain: Invalid argument value: 'value' (expecting TRUE, 1, true, FALSE, 0 or false). |
None | programmer_settings: Invalid argument value: 'value' (expecting TRUE, 1, true, FALSE, 0 or false). |
None | ios_states: Invalid argument value: 'value' (expecting TRUE, 1, true, FALSE, 0 or false). |
None | generate_bitstream: Invalid argument value: 'value' (expecting TRUE, 1, true, FALSE, 0 or false). |
None | bitstream_security: Invalid argument value: 'value' (expecting TRUE, 1, true, FALSE, 0 or false). |
None | bitstream_fabric: Invalid argument value: 'value' (expecting TRUE, 1, true, FALSE, 0 or false). |
None | bitstream_snvm: Invalid argument value: 'value' (expecting TRUE, 1, true, FALSE, 0 or false). |
None | Parameter 'param_names' is not defined. Valid command formatting is'export_smart_debug_data [-file_name "file_name"] \[-export_dir "export_dir"] \[-probes "TRUE | FALSE"] \[-package_pins "TRUE | FALSE"] \[-memory_blocks "TRUE | FALSE"] \[-envm_data "TRUE | FALSE"] \[-security_data "TRUE | FALSE"] \[-display_security_in_smartdebug "TRUE | FALSE"] \[-chain "TRUE | FALSE"] \[-programmer_settings "TRUE | FALSE"] \[-ios_states "TRUE | FALSE"] \[-generate_bitstream "TRUE | FALSE"] \[-bitstream_format "PPD | STP"] \[-bitstream_security "TRUE | FALSE"] \[-bitstream_fabric "TRUE | FALSE"] \[-bitstream_envm "TRUE | FALSE"] \[-bitstream_snvm "TRUE | FALSE"] \[-master_include_plaintext_passkey "TRUE | FALSE"] \[-uprom_data "TRUE | FALSE"] \[-snvm_data "TRUE | FALSE"]'. |
Supported Families
PolarFire |
SmartFusion2 |
RTG4 |
The following examples shows the export_smart_debug_data command with all parameters.
SmartFusion2, IGLOO2, RTG4 example:
export_smart_debug_data \ -file_name {sd1} \ -export_dir {d:\sd_prj\test3T\designer\sd1\export} \ -force_rtg4_otp 1 \ -probes 1 \ -package_pins 0 \ -memory_blocks 1 \ -envm_data 0 \ -security_data 1 \ -chain 1 \ -programmer_settings 1 \ -ios_states 1 \ -generate_bitstream 0 \ -bitstream_security 0 \ -bitstream_fabric 0 \ -bitstream_envm 0
PolarFire examples:
export_smart_debug_data \ -file_name "top" \ -export_dir "./" \ -probes 1 \ -package_pins 0 \ -memory_blocks 1 \ -security_data 1 \ -chain 1 \ -programmer_settings 1 \ -ios_states 1 \ -generate_bitstream 1 \ -bitstream_security 0 \ -bitstream_fabric 1 \ -bitstream_snvm 1
export_smart_debug_data \ -file_name {smartdebug_export.ddc} \ -export_dir{H:\Designs\mss\designer\sd\export} \ -probes 1 \ -package_pins 0 \ -memory_blocks 1 \ -envm_data 1 \ -security_data 1 \ -display_security_in_smartdebug 0 \ -chain 1 \ -programmer_settings 1 \ -ios_states 1 \ -generate_bitstream 1 \ -bitstream_format {PPD} \ -bitstream_security 0 \ -bitstream_fabric 1 \ -bitstream_envm 1 \ -sanitize_envm 1 \ -bitstream_snvm 1 \ -sanitize_snvm 1 \ -master_include_plaintext_passkey 0 \ -snvm_data 1