What is Captive Portal, and how do I set it up on my Orbi Pro WiFi System? (2024)


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A captive portal is an entry to a guest network that requires guests to view a splash page and agree to terms and conditions before using the network. When using captive portal guest networks visitors cannot see other devices that are connected and they cannot access the local area network (LAN).

To set up a guest network with a captive portal:

  1. Launch a web browser from a computer or mobile device that is connected to your Orbi network.
  2. Enter Orbilogin.com.
    A login window displays.
  3. Enter the Orbi admin user name and password.
    The user name is admin. The password is the one that you created the first time you logged in. The user name and password are case-sensitive.
    The BASIC Home page displays.
  4. Select Guest Portal.
    The Guest Portal Settings page displays.
  5. Select the Enable Guest Portal check box.
  6. Leave the Enable SSID Broadcast check box selected.
    Allowing the router to broadcast its WiFi network name (SSID) makes it easier to find your network and connect to it. If you clear this check box, you create a hidden network.
  7. To change the network name, type a new name in the Guest Portal Network Name (SSID) field. The name can be up to 32 characters long and it is case-sensitive. If you change the name, make sure to write down the new name and keep it in a safe place.
  8. To set a guest portal password, select the Password Authentication radio button and enter the password in the field.
    The password can be up to 32 characters long.
    Visitors must enter this password in the guest portal and click AGREE to accept terms and conditions, then they can access Internet.
  9. To set an expiration time for how long users can access the Internet, select a time from the Expiration menu.
    After visitors are authenticated, they can access the Internet for that period of time. After the period expires, visitors are redirected to the Terms and Conditions page.
  10. To include a custom Terms and Conditions page, click the Browse button in the Terms and Conditions section.
  11. Locate and select the Terms and Conditions file on your computer.
    The file must be a .txt file, encoded by utf8 format and can be up to 1 MB.
  12. To include a custom logo file, click the Browse button in the Logo section.
  13. Locate and select the logo file on your computer.
    The file must be a .jpg, .jpeg, .gif, or a .png file. The file size must be up to 10 MB and the dimensions must be 200x200 pixels.
  14. To preview the guest portal, click the Preview button.
    To preview the terms and conditions page, the terms and conditions and logo files must both be set to either Default or you must upload new files for both. You cannot preview the terms and conditions page if one file is set to Default.
  15. To setup a redirect URL, select the URL radio button and enter the redirected URL in the field.
    After visitors agree to the Terms and Conditions, they are redirected to this URL.
  16. Click the Apply button.
    Your settings are saved.

Last Updated:08/31/2017 | Article ID: 000046301

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What is Captive Portal, and how do I set it up on my Orbi Pro WiFi System? (2024)


What does it mean when it says this network may have a captive portal? ›

A captive portal is a webpage that the user of a public network is required to view and interact with before they can access the network. It is typically used by business centers, airports, hotel lobbies, coffee shops and other public venues that offer free Wi-Fi hotspots for internet users.

How do I set up a captive portal on my WiFi? ›

These are the five easy steps to create an incredible captive portal for your WiFi.
  1. Update Everything. Before you think about enhancing your WiFi, the first step is updating everything. ...
  2. Login To Your Router Settings Online. ...
  3. Enable a Captive Portal. ...
  4. Pick a Captive Portal Software and Create. ...
  5. Launch.
Feb 27, 2024

How do I find my captive portal page? ›

From this answer on Stack Overflow, Captive Portal is triggered only when you're trying to make a request. So the answer is: Open an arbitrary web page in your favorite browser, and you'll get redirected to the Captive Portal login page.

What does captive portal do? ›

A captive portal is a webpage you must interact with before using a public or guest Wi-Fi network. You often see these in places like coffee shops, airports, and hotels. When you try to connect to the Wi-Fi, the captive portal pops up and asks you to log in, agree to terms of service, or enter a password.

How do I enable access to captive portal? ›

Configure captive portal in an identity provider
  1. Log in to Enterprise Center.
  2. In the Enterprise Center navigation menu, select Application Access > Identity & Users > Identity Providers.
  3. Select the IdP with enabled EAA Client.
  4. In Settings > Client select Enable Captive Portal.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Deploy the IdP.

Can I turn off captive portal? ›

You can disable a captive portal. Captive portals are typically used by business centers, airports, hotel lobbies, coffee shops, and other venues that offer free Wi-Fi hotspots for the guest users. authentication by using the Instant WebUI.

Is captive portal login safe? ›

When a public Wi-Fi uses a captive portal (a “login” page), the security risks you're exposed to can be higher. That's because captive portals don't work seamlessly with VPNs. You always have to disconnect your VPN, access the Wi-Fi login page and then turn on your VPN again.

Is captive portal free? ›

A free captive portal directs your guests to a landing page before accessing your Wi-Fi. This landing page collects customer information to help you better understand your target demographic. A captive portal also boosts your network security dramatically, creating secured WiFi access and tracking connected devices.

How do I log in to Captive Wi-Fi? ›

How to join a captive Wi-Fi network
  1. Tap Settings > Wi-Fi.
  2. Tap the name of the network, then wait for a login screen to appear. Or tap the More Info button. next to the network's name, then tap Join Network.
  3. If asked, enter a user name and password, enter an email address, or acknowledge terms and conditions.
Aug 31, 2023

What to do if my Wi-Fi is not connecting? ›

Restart your modem and router
  1. Unplug the power cable for the router from the power source.
  2. Unplug the power cable for the modem from the power source. ...
  3. Wait at least 30 seconds or so. ...
  4. Plug the modem back into the power source. ...
  5. Plug your router back into the power source. ...
  6. On your PC, try to connect again.

How to setup a captive portal? ›

Click Wireless > Settings. Click the pencil symbol to the right of the SSID that you want to edit. Click Enable Captive Portal. If you want to redirect users to a website after they view the captive portal, click the Redirect URL slider and enter a redirect URL in the Redirect URL field.

Does captive portal help with Wi-Fi speed? ›

Optimized user experience

A captive portal allows you to improve the experience of users who connect to your network by giving them easy, fast, and secure access to the Internet.

How do you clear a captive portal? ›

To remove/delete the captive portal follow these steps:
  1. Step1- Go to Captive Portals.
  2. Step2- Go to Portals.
  3. Step3- Go to Actions.
  4. Step4- Click on three dots of the captive portal you want to delete.
  5. Step5- Click on the Delete button.
Nov 20, 2023

How do I fix captive portal authorization? ›

Open an incognito window. Then try to open a non-HTTPS page such as example.com or neverssl.com. That might trigger the captive portal sign in. If that doesn't work, close ALL open tabs and apps.

How do I uninstall captive portal? ›

Click Firewall > Captive portals. Click the down caret () next to the appropriate captive portal and select Delete. Click Apply to save the configuration and apply the change.

What does captive portal detection mean? ›

Captive portal detection is a pivotal component of network security designed to authenticate and authorize users before granting them access to a network. Essentially, it acts as a gateway, ensuring that only authorized individuals can connect to the network.

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Name: Van Hayes

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Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.