You’ll Be Able to See 6 Planets in the Sky This Week—Here’s What You Need To Know (2024)

Alani Vargas

·5 min read

When you think about it, there is a lot going on in the sky. Between full moons, supermoons and northern lights, the sky likes to show off how cosmically cool it is. Even though the full moon for the month of August has passed, you have another planetary event happening next week to keep a look out for: a planetary alignment, or "planet parade" as others call it.

So, what is a planet parade? And when is the next time you can view one? We’ve got all you need to know about how to view the six planets visible in the sky this August.

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What Is a Planetary Parade or Planetary Alignment?

At this point, you might be wondering what the heck a planetary parade is. Which is understandable because it might not be something that sticks out to you from middle school science class.

The BBC reported back in May that a planet parade is when planets reach the same point at the same time, making it look like they’re in a little parade. This can also be called a planetary alignment because the planets are all aligned.

If you’ve ever seen the Disney movie, Hercules, you might remember that Hades’ big bad plan all revolved around the moment when all planets aligned. This planetary alignment allowed him to open Tartarus and release the Titans to take over Olympus. So while not all planets have to be aligned to make a planet parade, this visual in this movie is kind of what we’re talking about.

When Is the Next 2024 Planet Parade?

There was one planetary alignment in June,but the next one is this coming week starting on August 23 and continuing through August 30, depending on your location, according to Star Walk.

As for what time you’ll be able to see the planet parade, that depends on where in the world you are. We’ll get to that when we talk about what regions can see the planetary alignment, but as Star Walk reported, “The planetary alignment will be visible almost everywhere in the morning hours.”

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Which Planets Can I See in the Sky During the August 2024 Planet Parade?

As we mentioned before, this planet parade is not going to include all the planets, like in Hercules. But there will be six planets in the planetary parade happening this week.

As Star Walk reported, the six planets that you’ll be able to spot in the sky this upcoming planet parade are Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune and Saturn.

Which Regions Can See the Planetary Parade?

Okay, getting into where and when, exactly, you can view the planetary parade from your part of the world, Star Walk recommends the Sky Tonight app. But they also note that Aug. 28 is a “general date” and list out the “ideal date” to see the planet parade from various locations. This includes:

  • Aug. 23: Abu Dhabi and Hong Kong

  • Aug. 24: Athens, New York and Tokyo

  • Aug. 26: Berlin, London and Reykjavík

  • Aug. 28: Mexico

  • Aug. 30: São Paulo and Sydney

If you don’t want to download an app, also has a tool where you can put your location and the date, to see which planets will be visible that day, along with how visible they’ll be and times. Generally, though, Star Walk recommends finding out what time the sun is rising where you live and start observing the sky for these planets an hour before that.

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How To Watch the Six Planet Parade in August 2024

Can I see the planets with just my eyes? Do I need a telescope for August 2024’s planetary alignment?

First off, you have to know what you’re looking for. As Star Walk states, it can be tricky to look at the sky and mistake stars for planets. If the object you’re looking at in the sky twinkles, it’s a star. And again, the Sky Tonight app has features that make it clearer where in the sky the planets should be.

As for what equipment you’ll need to see these planets, other than the helpful app, Star Walk reports that you can view Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn with the naked eye. So no telescope is needed in order to enjoy the majority of the planets in this planetary alignment.

To see Neptune and Uranus, though, you do need a telescope or “high-powered binoculars” because they’re further away and, therefore, harder to see.

When Is the Next Planetary Alignment?

Below are the upcoming planetary alignments, when they’ll broadly be visible and what planets you can see during these planet parades!

  • August 28, 2024: “Large morning alignment” and you can spot Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

  • January 18, 2025: “Large evening alignment” and you can see Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, Saturn and Venus.

  • February 28, 2025: “Full evening alignment” and you can spot Saturn, Mercury, Neptune, Venus, Uranus, Jupiter and Mars. Important that this is the next planetary alignment where you can view seven planets.

  • August 29, 2025: “Large morning alignment” where you can spot Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune and Saturn.

Star Walk also lists out the “most anticipated planetary alignments” for the next few hundred years, which is an interesting read if you’re intrigued by what the future sky holds!

Up Next:

Related: What a Wonderful World! 75 Absolutely Fascinating Facts About Planet Earth

You’ll Be Able to See 6 Planets in the Sky This Week—Here’s What You Need To Know (2024)


When can I see 6 planets in the sky? ›

Get your telescope ready for the best arrangement of planets in 2024 as Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune will be visible at the same time before sunrise. There was a time when Pluto was still a planet, until 2006.

What time is the 6 planet alignment in 2024? ›

The six-planet parade will take place on Aug. 28, 2024. The planetary alignment will be visible in the early morning, just before sunrise.

What time will I see the Planet Parade? ›

The planets will be visible just before sunrise. Download a free stargazing app Sky Tonight to help you spot them all!

What time is the June 3 planet alignment? ›

The best vantage point for Americans hoping to see the lineup will be in New York state on the morning of June 3 between 5 a.m. ET and just before sunrise, which is slated for 5:26 a.m. It's not a large window of time, especially if you intend to set up a telescope to view all six planets.

Where can I see planets align? ›

How to see planet parade. To catch this rare event, look towards the eastern horizon about 20 minutes before sunrise. The alignment will stretch from the low eastern horizon, with Jupiter closest to the horizon, up through Mercury, Uranus, Mars, Neptune, and Saturn.

How often do 6 planets align? ›

About every 100 years or so, six or more planets “line up” and appear together within a small area of the sky.

When all planets come in a straight line in 2024? ›

A unique planetary alignment will be visible in the sky before sunrise tomorrow. The planetary alignment is also called as the parade of planets 2024. The illusion of all the planets alligning in a single line will be visible most clearly on Monday, June 3. However, people can spot the alignment over several days.

How to see the parade of planets in 2024? ›

Prime time for the planet parade will be Saturday morning, Aug. 24, when Saturn, Jupiter and Mars will be visible with the naked eye. Neptune and Uranus will be visible for most of the night, but require high-powered binoculars or telescopes to view.

What year will all 8 planets align? ›

If you consider the eight planets aligned if they are in the same 180-degree-wide patch of sky, the next time that will happen is May 6, 2492, according to Christopher Baird, an associate professor of physics at West Texas A&M University.

When was the last time all 7 planets aligned? ›

28: Seven planets – Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. (The last time all seven planets aligned was on April 8 during the total solar eclipse). ◾ Aug. 29, 2025: Six planets – Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

What date will the 5 planets align? ›

Whilst an alignment of a couple of planets is quite common, seeing five or more is rare. This August planetary alignment is the last time to see the phenomenon in 2024 – afterwards you won't see another alignment of over five planets until 2025! 3rd June 2024 - Mercury, Jupiter, Uranus, Mars, Neptune, and Saturn.

Will the planets align on April 8, 2024? ›

During totality on April 8, 2024, Jupiter will appear about 30 degrees to the upper left of the eclipsed Sun while Venus will appear about 15 degrees to the lower right of the eclipsed Sun. Mars and Saturn will be next to one another about 35 degrees to the lower right of the eclipsed Sun.

How rare is planet parade? ›

Planet alignments are not extremely rare, especially with two to four planets. They occur several times each year. With five or more planets aligning, it's less common.

When can we see planets from Earth in 2024? ›

Earth will fly between the sun and Saturn on September 8, 2024, placing the ringed planet at opposition – opposite the sun – in our sky. And that's the best time to watch Saturn.

How often do the 6 planets align? ›

About every 100 years or so, six or more planets “line up” and appear together within a small area of the sky.

What order do the planets align in June 24? ›

“This means that they appear in a line on the sky, when we view them from Earth. In this case, the planets Jupiter, Mercury, Uranus, Mars, Neptune, and Saturn will form a line across the sky, in that order.”

What year will all planets be visible? ›

The alignment will be visible again in the pre-dawn hours of August 28, 2024 and January 18, 2025. On February 28, 2025, all seven planets will appear in the sky at the same time, Science Alert said.

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